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Talk to someone now. Call our National Helpline on 1800 33 4673. You can also chat online or email

Body Confident Children and Teens

Audience: Parents of primary and secondary age children / community members

Session Length: 1.5hrs (face-to-face) 1hr 15mins (virtual)

Group Size: No upper limit

This is a relaxed and informal seminar for parent and community members to give knowledge, practical information and tips on promoting positive body image in the home throughout childhood and adolescence.  The session explores why positive body esteem, non-dieting approaches and healthy behaviours in relation to food and exercise are strong protective factors in the development of eating disorders.  It looks at the power of positive role modelling, reducing appearance based talk and importantly how to respond when a child expresses negativity towards themselves or others.  Whilst the session does aim to increase understanding of eating disorders the focus is on prevention and fostering positive body image and healthy behaviours.


Key themes

  • Background on body image and the importance of prevention
  • The spectrum of behaviours from healthy, to unhealthy, to disordered eating through to eating disorders
  • Key influences on body image, including social media and the importance of ‘positive following’
  • The dangers of diet culture
  • Busting common myths around eating disorders
  • Reducing appearance based talk
  • Helpful responses if your child says negative things about themselves or others, including when they are above their healthy weight
  • The power of role modeling positive body image and healthy behaviours
  • The importance of early intervention
  • Referral and support information – including Butterfly ED Hope line