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23 May 2023

Butterfly welcomes Government investment and highlights critical need for future funding

Butterfly Foundation acknowledges the Federal Government’s budget support for Wandi Nerida, Butterfly Body Bright and NEDC, while calling for a comprehensive funding package in future.

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08 May 2023

Dove and Butterfly Launch Petition Calling for a National Body Image Inquiry

In order to bring about real change to harmful body ideals in Australia, Dove and Butterfly Foundation are calling on all Australians to sign a petition calling for a National Body Image Inquiry. Take action and sign the petition now to fight for systematic change.

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06 Apr 2023

Butterfly farewells CEO, Kevin Barrow

Butterfly farewells CEO, Kevin Barrow Butterfly Board Chair, David Murray AO, announced today that the Butterfly CEO, Kevin Barrow will be leaving Butterfly on 12 May 2023.

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06 Mar 2023

Federal MPs Unite to Establish Parliamentary Friends Group for Eating Disorder Awareness

Supported by the Butterfly Foundation, 23 Federal MPs have come together from across the political spectrum to establish the Parliamentary Friends of Eating Disorder Awareness group, highlighting the critical need for more support and services for people suffering from an eating disorder or body image issues, and their families.

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27 Feb 2023

Critical need for more services to support people with eating disorders

Butterfly Foundation and Butterfly Residential Care, trading as Wandi Nerida – Australia’s first and only residential recovery centre for people affected by an eating disorder, support the need for greater funding of eating disorder services as highlighted on ABC’s Four Corners program (27 February 2023).

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19 Feb 2023

“EveryBODY Welcome”: National eating disorder organisations unite to better support LGBTQIA+ community

Australia’s national eating disorder organisations are uniting to tackle eating disorders and body image concerns in the LGBTQIA+ community, kicking off their EveryBODY Welcome campaign during WorldPride, with a stall at Mardi Gras Fair Day.

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12 Feb 2023

Butterfly and Instagram combat body image pressures within the LGBTQIA+ community to promote Body Pride

In recognition that the LGBTQIA+ community is disproportionately impacted by eating disorders and body image concerns, Butterfly Foundation has partnered with Instagram to launch Body Pride (#BodyPrideOnline), a campaign specifically designed to address and challenge negative conversations around body ideals and appearance that can spike in the lead up to and during LGBTQIA+ events, particularly Mardi Gras.

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31 Jan 2023

Butterfly welcomes announcement of $7.5 million investment to establish independent national mental health lived experience peak bodies

Butterfly welcomes the news that The Minister for Health and Ageing, the Hon Mark Butler MP, and Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention the Hon Emma McBride MP have announced funding of $7.5 million to establish and operate two independent national mental health lived experience peak bodies.

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05 Dec 2022

Butterfly’s ‘Summer of Kindness’ to combat seasonal body image pressures and a rise in eating disorders

Butterfly is calling upon Australians to join its campaign of kindness over the summer holidays. With body image issues and eating disorders continuing to surge as key mental health concerns in the community, there are significant added pressures during summer.

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25 Nov 2022

Wandi Nerida wins ACHS Quality Improvement Award

Australia’s first residential facility for eating disorders wins coveted Award for Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety from the Australian Council for Healthcare Standards.

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24 Nov 2022

Please stop weighing students in the classroom: call for educators to sign up for free body image resources

As school staff report a rise in children experiencing body image concerns, Butterfly is urging Australian primary schools to sign up for free teacher and student resources to foster positive body image in children.

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07 Nov 2022

Butterfly wins funding to develop Body Kind Online Education to help strengthen Australian students’ body image on social media

Butterfly Foundation will be tackling body image concerns experienced on social media by high school students head on, thanks to the Australian Government’s $9 million Online Safety Grants Program.

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